Maxwell Finn , President

Maxwell Finn is a renowned entrepreneur, investor, and marketing expert with over a decade of experience in the field. He is the president and co-owner of Unicorn Traffic, where he puts his passion for supporting entrepreneurs to utilize performance marketing innovative strategies to help them succeed.

Maxwell came from a long line of entrepreneurs and began his own entrepreneurial journey started in college and sparking a series of successful ventures. He quickly became known for his expertise in digital marketing, particularly paid traffic, and advertising.

As an investor and advisor, Maxwell has helped launch and scale dozens of startups, raising millions of dollars in funding. He is known for his ability to identify promising new technologies and help entrepreneurs to turn their ideas into successful businesses.

Maxwell is a sought-after speaker and podcast guest and has spoken at numerous conferences and events worldwide. He is also a prolific content creator, sharing high-value educational content on TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram.

Maxwell Finn is a renowned entrepreneur, investor, and marketing expert with over a decade of experience in the field. He is the president and co-owner of Unicorn Traffic, where he puts his passion for supporting entrepreneurs to utilize performance marketing innovative strategies to help them succeed. Read more About Maxwell Finn